Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade

by Janet Skeslien Charles What reader doesn’t love a book with a bookish angle? This sort of sub-genre is one that Skeslien Charles does exceptionally well. Told in a dual timeline, we meet Kit Carson in 1918. She has taken a leave from her post as a children’s librarian at the New York Public LibraryContinue reading “Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade”

The Little Wartime Library

by Kate Thompson I’m sure so many of us in this space share in an affinity, a near kinship even, for public libraries. This book is a testament to such a love. Based on a remarkable true WWII story, Clara Button has put all her love and energy into building an underground library over unusedContinue reading “The Little Wartime Library”

The Storm We Made

by Vanessa Chan Happy Pub Day to Vanessa Chan and The Storm We Made! It is so fitting to me that this is one of the first books published this year, as it is an incredibly strong start. Cecily and her family live in constant fear under the Japanese occupation of Malaya. In 1945, theContinue reading “The Storm We Made”

The Golden Doves

by Martha Hall Kelly I love reading historical fiction because it always, without fail, teaches me something. The Golden Doves was no exception to that. Arlette LaRue and Josie Anderson were two (of many) unsung heroes in the second world war. They helped the Resistance by intercepting and passing along secret Nazi messages earning themContinue reading “The Golden Doves”