The Sporty One: My Life as a Spice Girl

by Melanie Chisholm Look, I effing LOVE the Spice Girls. I think I first heard them when I was six years old and I instantly became obsessed. I played their CDs nonstop, had Spice Girls-themed birthday parties, used a Spice Girls pencil case and backpack and notebook—I even wore little platform sneakers. As a tomboyContinue reading “The Sporty One: My Life as a Spice Girl”

These Songs I Know By Heart

by Erin Brubacher I realized Erin Brubacher was a kindred spirit on page 24 when she has her narrator admit to drawing a heart instead of a cross on her goddaughter’s forehead with the holy water at her baptism (plus she has the same name as my best friend which I know doesn’t mean anythingContinue reading “These Songs I Know By Heart”

Molly’s Game

by Molly Bloom I committed the cardinal sin of watching the movie before reading the book for this one (it was years ago!) but when I saw in this memoir the real Molly Bloom was naming names, how could I not?! This is the story of Molly Bloom who at 26 years old found herselfContinue reading “Molly’s Game”

Off the Record

by Peter Mansbridge Just like he is for many Canadians, Peter Mansbridge is a familiar face and voice to me. When I was in journalism school, he was and had been for a long while, the pinnacle of Canadian journalism. For over 20 years he had been anchoring CBC’s nightly news broadcast, The National. IContinue reading “Off the Record”