
by Jess Kidd Anyone who knows me will know right away that I picked this book up because of the bee on the cover. While this ended up having little to do with the plot (lol) I still really enjoyed this unpredictable, moody, occult-y story. Mahony arrives in the tiny village of Mulderrig to finallyContinue reading “Himself”

Molly’s Game

by Molly Bloom I committed the cardinal sin of watching the movie before reading the book for this one (it was years ago!) but when I saw in this memoir the real Molly Bloom was naming names, how could I not?! This is the story of Molly Bloom who at 26 years old found herselfContinue reading “Molly’s Game”

Dear Emmie Blue

by Lia Louis I picked this book up on a whim and my goodness am I glad I did! (And before you get at me, I know it’s supposed to be a red balloon but we make do with what we have! lol) When Emmie was 16 years old she released a balloon with aContinue reading “Dear Emmie Blue”

The Little Wartime Library

by Kate Thompson I’m sure so many of us in this space share in an affinity, a near kinship even, for public libraries. This book is a testament to such a love. Based on a remarkable true WWII story, Clara Button has put all her love and energy into building an underground library over unusedContinue reading “The Little Wartime Library”

Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart: And Other Stories

by GennaRose Nethercott Fantasy and folklore are genres I don’t explore often but I was absolutely drawn in by this cover and title. This collection of short stories centres around a fairytale kind of theme with witchy characters, supernatural settings, and mystical animals. There’s a darkness to each story reminiscent of the original telling of fairytales.Continue reading “Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart: And Other Stories”

Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

by Jesse Q. Sutanto I would really like to somehow reverse-adopt Vera Wong as my second mother. Vera Wong of Vera Wang’s World-Famous Teahouse (no, that’s not a typo) in San Francisco has a very particular daily routine that begins every morning at exactly 4:30. It is disrupted when one day she finds a deadContinue reading “Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers”

One Year of Ugly

by Caroline Mackenzie I was excited to read this book because it takes place in Trinidad which was a new setting for me. What I didn’t expect was to learn so much about South American migration in the Caribbean, offset by a commitment to comedy. Yola Palacios and her tight-knit family have escaped the deterioratingContinue reading “One Year of Ugly”

The Girls in Queens

by Christine Kandic Torres I absolutely LOVE being a part of the bookstagram community but sometimes it makes me feel pressured to read what is popular and current. Exploring books that don’t get the same kind of widespread recognition or that came out before bookstagram really took off means that we every so often canContinue reading “The Girls in Queens”

What We Buried

by Robert Rotenberg Happy Pub Day to What We Buried! Daniel Kennicott’s life was flipped upside down after his parents’ death and, years later, the murder of his brother. The investigations into both yielded no results but when his boss, Ari Greene, discovers a new lead, they secretly reopen the case which takes Kennicott onContinue reading “What We Buried”

The Formidable Miss Cassidy

by Meihan Boey This was such a fun and twisty read, I truly couldn’t guess where this story might take me! The truly formidable Miss Cassidy arrives on Singapore’s shores in the 1890s to be a governess of sorts for a young woman whose house seems to be haunted. When strange omens and occurrences beginContinue reading “The Formidable Miss Cassidy”